Business Central API – Setup and Use Standard APIs

It’s strongly recommended to use latest business central API, v2.0, as it offers the latest performance and security improvements. For a detailed comparison of API versions and their features, read Business Central API Documentation.

Difference b/w Dynamics AX vs Dynamics 365 | 2025

Difference between Dynamics AX and Dynamics 365 is that Dynamics AX is an older, on-premises ERP solution. While Dynamics 365 is a cloud-based suite of business applications, including ERP functionalities.

Streamline your data using Dynamics NAV Setfilter

Dynamics NAV SetFilter allows users to define specific criteria for finding and displaying only the data they need.

ERP and Accounting Software | What are the main differences

Accounting software focuses on managing your finance whereas ERP systems can help your various operation, like manufacturing, finance, warehouse, and inventory.

Best CRM for Law Firms in Canada | 2024

Best CRM for law firms. Dynamics CRM, Clio, Law Ruler, and more. Businesses can also customize these CRM systems to automate workflows.

Power BI Data Gateway Set Up & Guide

Power BI Data Gateway is a free tool that helps access data from on-premises data sources. data gateway enables data security, simplifies data access from Microsoft services such as Power BI.

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